image that shows what is included in Plant Powered You's store front page, including, an image of her book, a and mention of free resources, like her free vegan recipe e-book.
image that shows what is included in Plant Powered You's store front page, including, an image of her book, a and mention of free resources, like her free vegan recipe e-book.

Free and paid Stuff TO Support Your Vegan Lifestyle

[WAIT LIST] Vegan Nutrition Made Simple (the workshop)

Finally, learn how to practically make your vegan meals with all the satisfying components in this recorded workshop!

[FREE] 3 Common Mistakes New Vegans Make (replay)

Want to reduce your chances of being an ex-vegan? Watch this webinar and learn what NOT to do! It's free, and both new and well seasoned vegans will learn a thing or two!


Want to book Christine for your vegan event or chat about a brand partnership? Head to the 'Contact' page to find out what services I provide and let's chat!

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